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Leonie Kappmeyer intends to make the information on this server as accurate as possible. Nonetheless, the exactitude or correctness of the information contained cannot be guaranteed. Any liability for damage resulting directly or indirectly from use of this website is precluded, unless caused intentionally or in gross negligence by Leonie Kappmeyer. The results of access to this Web server and the results of the use of the content found on this Web server remain the sole responsibility of the user.
The information provided on this server is a statement of intent. Persons needing confirmation of accuracy should consult Leonie Kappmeyer. Leonie Kappmeyer reserves the right to discontinue or vary subjects, arrangements or staffing at any time without notice.
Leonie Kappmeyer makes every effort to ensure that the people pictured in our corporate communications have consented to their pictures appearing in these communications. If you have any comments or complaints about this, please e-mail.